IVI Expands School Screenings to Include Hearing Loss Assessments


India Vision Institute (IVI) has introduced hearing loss screenings alongside vision assessments for underprivileged schoolchildren, furthering its commitment to children's health and well-being. The campaign, supported by CSC Academy, is powered by a software platform developed by Sci-Com India Pvt Ltd, Pune.

The initiative was launched today by Mr. D. Viswanathan, Chairman of the Standing Committee (Education), Greater Chennai Corporation, who observed students at Thiruvanmiyur Primary School undergoing both vision and hearing assessments. The campaign has benefited 6,000 corporation schoolchildren in Chennai and Delhi, with an additional 4,000 reached soon.

IVI’s CEO Vinod Daniel said, “Early detection of hearing challenges is crucial in preventing communication barriers and ensuring uninterrupted education. By integrating hearing screenings into our existing vision health programs, we are adopting a holistic approach to improving children's overall well-being and academic success. This initiative will positively impact thousands of students.”

Mr. Viswanathan added, “I personally tried the audio screening today. I am happy that the program is being undertaken within the Corporation schools framework”

Dr Vishwas Udpikar, Director, Sci-Com, was present at some of the screening locations in Chennai.

India Vision Institute works to eliminate preventable vision impairment and hearing loss. Through comprehensive screenings for schoolchildren, IVI ensures early detection of both vision and hearing impairments, enabling timely intervention and support. These efforts play a crucial role in a child’s academic performance, social development, and overall well-being. Together with our vision screening programs for underprivileged adults in remote and urban communities, over 1.7 million individuals across 24 states have benefited, bringing the gift of clear sight and better hearing nationwide. For more information on India Vision Institute’s programs and activities or to learn how you can support our cause, visit www.indiavisioninstitute.org or write to communications@indiavisioninstitute.org