
Welcome to question of the day #288

I have just opened my first community eye care practice. Do you have any tips on marketing?

Consider marketing your practice on social media. It is a relatively cheap, easy, and entertaining way to reach your potential patients.

Signing up and being active on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter is free – other than the time it takes you to create posts and manage the content on your pages. Maintaining up-to-date social media for your business is a good way to stay in front of current and future customers, and it’s a great avenue for showing some personality and having a little fun with your patients. People like doing business with people that they like, so if visitors can connect and build a relationship with you through social media, it’s likely that you will be top of mind when they are searching for an optometrist.

Post regularly, perhaps every day but at least 3 times per week and include photos. Be positive about your work and staff but no need to mention the competition. Mention special offers, new equipment you have purchased, and any new staff, and remind people of the importance of regular eye examinations. Welcome comments from viewers and be prompt when answering queries.

Consider posting attendance at local community activities and also perhaps organising and/or sponsoring a local community activity. If you support your local community then your local community is more likely to support you.

The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users, by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick, is a great book and useful whether you’re a beginner on social media, or if you’re experienced.