
Welcome to question of the day #170

I’m overwhelmed with work and have found myself double tasking. I’ve read that some people can do this and do both tasks at the same time and do them well. I keep making mistakes and end up doing both tasks badly. What can I do?

Double tasking, known by many as multitasking, is not a modern phenomenon. People who drive and listen to the radio at the same time have been double tasking for years. However, as people have become expected to do more and more at work the phenomenon has extended in recent years into work life and for many people home life as well. There is also an urban myth that while men cannot multitask all women excel at it.

Multitasking has been described as a ‘mythical activity in which people believe they can perform two or more tasks simultaneously as effectively as one.’ Research has shown that it is difficult, if not impossible, to learn new information while engaging in multitasking. Studies on how multitasking affects academic success found that students who engaged in high levels of multitasking reported significant issues with their academic work. Using Facebook and text messaging while studying were negatively related to student grades, while interestingly, online searching and emailing were not.

It is now clear from research on how brains work that a person can only be effective at one task at a time. Working on more than one task at a time blocks access to subconscious capabilities that could bring out your full potential. Multitasking blocks access to information flowing from the environment and from your memory and your creative subconscious. When these channels are blocked, mistakes follow and you will be less effective at the tasks you are trying to complete.

Try these steps to help you stop double tasking:

1. Stop double tasking. You will not be at your best on either task, you will make mistakes, neither task will be completed properly and it will cost you more time in the end.

2. Don’t take a phone or a laptop to meetings. Print out things you might need during a meeting and then recycle them afterwards. Be self-aware and if you catch yourself double tasking decide which one is the most important and do that one.

3. When you feel the need to double task take a pause. Take a look at your schedule, find a gap and allocate that time for the task you dropped.

Handle one task at a time, focus on it, give it your all, and do it to the best of your ability. Once you are finished start on the next one. Don’t kid yourself otherwise.